Whether you’re considering a small remodel, a new residential or commercial build, or any sort of solar project, it’s always in your best interest to search out and hire only licensed contractors. Local and statewide licensing procedures assure only properly insured companies obtain licenses. If there is a problem down the road, a customer’s insurance company is probably not going to cover problems arising from work done by unlicensed individuals/companies.
When it comes to solar projects, the Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety, which is in charge of electrical licensing and permitting, has stated that, according to state statute, all electrical equipment (including solar components) is only to be installed by a licensed electrical contractor. Also, most solar projects are required to go through a plan review process prior to the required permit being issued. The state of Wyoming allows only a licensed engineer or properly licensed master electrician to submit plans for this process. A homeowner is allowed to submit their own plans and perform their own electrical work but that does not do away with obtaining the required permits which in most cases are required by the utility.
With that in mind, when obtaining quotes for any of your projects, don’t forget to ask for verification of your contractor’s licensing and we recommend steering clear of anyone who cannot provide proof of proper licensing right away upon request. We also say to beware of “contractors” that claim that they can save you money by providing you with the required documents and ask you to acquire the permits yourself. It will not save you money up front and in the long run may cost you everything.